Friday, June 22, 2007

Just to add...

So to continue on this ridiculous topic! I have story. When I was 3 our family moved to Germany for a year due to my dad's work. At one point my parents went to Paris to visit some friends without us kids. I was left in the care of my friend Tomas's parents. I distinctly remember going to the bathroom at their house and afterwards being asked whether I had 'gone #1 or #2'. I was appalled that they had asked me or even wanted to know.

That's it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting euphemisms -

dookey (Cooper)
poof (Felten)
numbers (American and German)
BM (Johnston)

I agree with you, Sarah (for obvious reasons). We prefer the more approximate medical term - BM.

RE: the asking. Most of the time the question is superfluous. There are other, more obvious, indicators in the air.

Uncle Dave and Aunt Ruthann VR stayed over last night. Ruthann's dad died this week and they are on their way to Nashville for the funeral.

Dad J