Saturday, November 18, 2006

Morning at the Beach

On Saturday morning we woke up bright and early, before 7 am, to head down to the beach at Middleton with our friends Ryan and Mary. It was a beautiful day, windy but quite warm (it got up to the low 90s Fahrenheit). The surf was pretty good so we did some bodyboarding and surfing. Sarah got some quality reading time in on the beach. Thankfully the flies didn't bother her too much. John and Bridgett and JJ came and hung out with us too. I dug a meter deep hole down to the water level up on the beach for JJ. I think he peed in it.

On the trip home (about an hour and a half) I planned on calling my close as a brother cousin Chris. I only had his number on my computer at home, so it was only after about 45 minutes of trying to call family in the states whose numbers I did know that I was able to get the right number and call him. After that it was great. We talked for about a hour and a half, although I had to keep calling him back because the call kept getting dropped.

I heard a story from a friend the other day that I though was pretty humorous. He and his wife partook in the following events. The wife had a math teacher's qualification exam on Saturday, which she forgot about until she arrived home on Friday night. She needed a calculator for the exam, but had left hers at school. The husband proposed that they go to his company's office, which is closer to their apartment than the wife's school, and borrow his coworker's calculator. They did this, but the coworker's calculator was a TI-85, and was too different from the wife's calculator for her to get used to in one evening. So they started to head over to the wife's school to get hers, but realized when they were half way there that she did not have her keys with her. They then decided to head over to the office where the husband works, which is on an army base, and grab his calculator. While approaching the base they realized that the wife not only did not have her keys on her, but she did not have her ID with her either. So they stowed her in the trunk of the car while they went through the security point. Imagine explaining that one to the security guard if he had decided to inspect the whole vehicle! But he didn't, and so they were able to successfully get an acceptable calculator for the wife's exam. I thought it was a pretty good way to turn an otherwise uneventful evening into a full scale adventure.

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