Saturday, March 17, 2007

Just in case you are still wondering...

The child has decided to remain in the womb for the time being. No contractions. No signs of imminent childbirthing.

Yes, we have tried many different things on the advice of many different people. We have concluded that these people all assumed that whatever they did just before the contractions started was "the cause". Well, neither sex nor long walks have done the trick. Very hot curry is next on the list (although that was in the meal plan for the week anyway).

If you've had a child, please do tell what "made you go into labor". We'll try it. We'll try just about anything to get people to stop saying "Oh, you're still here!" or "No baby yet?!". It's just about all we hear anymore.


Anonymous said...

What no baby yet???? Just kidding.

Well we had heard the same as you and nothing worked...Sophia was a week late.
Try Sagamartha on Payneham Rd at Stepney, it a Nepalese restuarant. Our friends went there and within 24hrs....Child Birth!!!!

Good Luck Brian and Sarah...

Theo, Nancy and Sophia

Anonymous said...

well... I am The Queen of "I'll try anything" so here's the stuff I tried. Pineapple. One a day. This really does help prepare th cervix. Worth a few mouth sores in the end. Do you have a good pump yet? Hook yourself up to a good pump for at least an hour. (Add 30 more minutes if you can stand it.) This is painful, but effective. Then when you've got some contractions going, try walking again. Also effective: chiropractic or go get a massage and tell them to really work your feet and ankles. Email me for more details. Thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! As I understand it, late babies are not unusual, especially in the Johnston bloodline. We will continue praying for good health and spirits for Sarah and baby.

Love, Dad C

Anonymous said...

Someone told me eating eggplant parmigiana at a good restaurant helps. ???

Hannah said her doc also gave her the 1 week deadline and then they would induce. It is current medical opinion.

We got a Canon S3 IS yesterday. It looks great and is easy to use. Bri, you can help me with all of the options and settings later.

Love you both...Dad J

Anonymous said...

This REALLY works.. Im speaking from experience with my mom having 15 children and all... evening primrose oil, I think a tablespoon of that per day will get you going. Blessings to you both, cant wait to see pictures...
Mel Looy-Ridley

Anonymous said...

Oh and Raspberry leaf tea.. proven to bring on contractions

Anonymous said...

Hi Brian and Sarah!
Hmmmmm... I do remember a few years back when a student of mine stated excitedly that her sister was going to have her baby that day, because her "water jug" broke that morning. advice... go find yourself a water jug. Should do the trick!
Love you,
Aunt Kel & Uncle Steve

Anonymous said...

re: evening primrose oil. This also preps your cervix, but won't start contractions. But it's helpful. You can also take it in capsules, much more pleasant tasting

re: raspberry tea. Drink as much as you can as strong as you can stand it. I never saw much success with it, but I am told it helps tone your uterus with contractions. can't hurt!

If you get desperate, there's castor oil, but that's nasty stuff, so put that off till you have to. It makes your tummy upset, too. If you start to think about it, there are also some gentler herbal concoctions and homeopathics that mimic the castor oil but aren't as nasty. Email me and I"ll give you the names.