Thursday, January 31, 2008


It's one of those days (actually on of those weeks) where I feel dirty and just need to wash my face or take a shower or clean the entire house in order to feel clean again. Well there have been a few things that have just made me (Sarah) feel dirty these last few days.

Last night I dropped a jar of applesauce and it completely slimed and stickified the kitchen floor. I've been meaning to mop for the last week and a half. A few things have happened this past week that make me thank myself for not mopping like I planned cause that would have made me even more upset about the mess.

Alex has a LeapFrog table that plays jazzy music and in the very center is a 'book' that has 1 page you can flip to change what the table plays - the ABCs/#s or jazzy tunes. A blue strip that lights up when you flip the page surrounds the ‘book’. The page is covered with a paper design/sticker-like picture. As I removed Alex from his beloved table so I could do the dishes, I realized he had puked on the table. But what part of the table, yes the part I have described where there are lots of crevices and the only section that could fall apart in little paper balls if you tried to clean it. So my point, I went to work cleaning it with a spray bottle, a toothpick and paper towel. I won't attempt to describe it. At the end I realized I needed to blow the water out of the crevices. Oh I blew out the water and any remaining puke. It felt as if my face absorbed most of it.

Alex has been a puker (chucker for the Aussies) since he was born. Puking has become a normal part of life. Then today, to top it all off, I got slimed. I was enjoying the fact that Alex's puke landed only on his sleeve, when he sneezed! As I'm holding him, kindly cleaning his sleeve he sneezes puke all over my face. In case you didn't know when you sneeze it comes out your nose AND mouth. Oh and I just touched my head and realized that there was dried puke in my hair, when did that happen I would like to know!

I guess I should go mop the floor and then take my 2nd shower of the day.

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