Monday, August 28, 2006

Moonta with the F4

This is the train we took a tour of the Moonta mining operations on. It was pretty much the worst train I've ever seen (as if anyone can even know that). I think that's a kangaroo catcher on the front (vice a cow catcher). I think the best part about the thing was its horn. It had a real whiz-blaster.

This is some kind of mining building. It had a big engine inside that helped do mining type activities.

This is the inside of the building. It was quite tall.

This was taken on top of a huge pile of crushed ore. They would pile up all the crushed ore after getting most of the copper out of it (at this point it would contain 0.9% copper) and then run a mixture of chemicals through it that would carry out the remaining copper.

The Cornish people were pretty religious, so apparently all of the miners were required to go to church. This is a methodist church building near the mines. I think that while mandatory church may expose more people to the gospel, it certainly doesn't foster unity, and even more certainly doesn't mean that everyone who goes is a believer. Maybe their culture was well suited to it though. I might look into it.

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