Friday, April 14, 2006


We really love our church here. This morning we had a Good Friday service, and afterwards we went back to one of the pastor's houses and had hot cross buns. We ended up staying for almost four hours talking to a bunch of people. We got to talk to the pastor Craig and his wife Merl for an hour and a half at the end. It was great. We talked to them about everything from where to vacation to how the leadership structure of the church is set up, to what Sarah could get involved in around here. We're starting to feel like we're at home here already because people have been very quick to welcome us into their lives as friends. Good stuff.

We have about five more weeks at the furnished apartment we're in now before our furniture arrives and we need to move into a more permanent residence. It looks like we'll be able to afford to rent a two or three bedroom cottage style house here - so all you folks who want to come visit, you can start coming in about a month and a half from now if you want to.

In the next couple weeks I will be leaving my job at Gibbs & Cox, Inc. and I will be hired on at Gibbs & Cox Australia Pty Ltd. I'll get Australian vacation (four weeks a year) and Australian holidays (inlcuding Boxing Day). I'll also be paid in Australian dollars, so pray that their economy doesn't tank.

We're applying for our long term visas soon, so also pray that those will be processed quickly. Sarah can't legally work for an Australian employer until we get them, so the sooner the better. A life of leisure is only fun for so long; she's getting quite eager to be productive.

It's sweet to see Christ's death celebrated on the other side of the world, and to know that he's just as present and powerful as ever no matter where you may find youself. Praise God!

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