Friday, February 29, 2008

The Sickness

Warning: Disgusting Post Ahead

It's been quite a day. Who knows where it all started, but we think Alex got it first. His diapers were full of something, shall we say, a little less solid than usual. It hit me yesterday at work after lunch. The porcelain throne became more my home than my desk. After I got home from work my system decided it was time to open up both exits, so my face also became well acquainted with the reflections in the bowl. After I ate some BRAT style dinner, which promptly decided it was not going to stay, Sarah went out to get some pop. As she was unlocking the door after getting home from that errand it hit her too. Don't eat that chunky brown snow beside the porch, my friend. I got the aches at some point during the evening, and could not fall asleep because of the pain. Sarah didn't fare much better. Thankfully Alex slept fairly well. I couldn't stop tossing and turning and thinking about potential trips to the emergency room to get rehydrated so at 11 pm I went downstairs and laid around trying to get comfy for a few hours. Then I got on the 'puter and processed some photos. Then I went back upstairs and tried to sleep in the guest bedroom. It still wouldn't work. I took some ibuprofen. I figured it was safe since I had been able to keep at least a little bit of liquid down for past few hours at that point. It worked, so about an hour later at 6 am or so I finally fell asleep. I dozed until about 10 am. Now I'm hanging out with Alex while Sarah gets some sleep.