Thursday, February 07, 2008


Well we've had lots of it this winter! The weather is supposed to come and go in waves...of snow that is. Well I hope that a wave doesn't hit Saturday because I'm driving to a conference for the day and am not looking forward to the early start.

Shoveling has become a spectator's sport in our house. Alex loves to stand at the window and watch Brian shovel. He also gives me the running commentary on the action. If there are any good videos of the commentary I'll get Brian to put them up soon.

Despite his fascination with shoveling he did not seem so thrilled to actually be sitting in snow. Brian let Alex 'test' the snow the other day. He was quite hesitant and didn't last outside very long. Perhaps it had more to do with the fact that he couldn't move in his super duper winter coat. :)

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