Thursday, December 06, 2007

Alex would like to have some attention please. He's becoming quite vocal about what he likes and what he doesn't like. Don't worry he'll let you know. One of his favorites right now is the new found joys of a teething biscuit. Even though, it's way to big for him to eat it all, he refuses to let anyone take it away. He will demolish it! As you can see most of it ends up on his face or hands. I don't even bother with the rag I just take him straight to the sink for cleanup.

He just cut his 3rd tooth and the 4th is on the way. He had a 3 1/2mth break between his first 2 teeth & these. I thought maybe they were stuck in his jaw and wouldn't come down. But the doctor reassured me they would come, eventually.

So I'm (Sarah) feeling pretty good cause Alex was decent last night. He is 81/2mths old and he still gets up to feed in the middle of the night! Lets just say he's stubborn - we did the sleep training trust me, it didn't work for him. He just doesn't like to sleep. He's a great baby but it's just something about sleep.

Alex's thoughts on taking a nap - the progression to crying:
Wow it's kind of dark in here (He's saying this out loud). I know they are doing something without me. Why did they put me in this room all by myself. Come on, I'm soooo cute you know you want to play with me. Where's my entertainment? Now listen here, I am not tired (rubbing my eyes and yawning). I WILL NOT go to sleep. Da, ga,

30mins later WAHHHHHHHHHHH! That's it I've taken a nap now get me up. Oh you're here, how wonderful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll send you some Vegemite for Alex if you like....I'm sure he will love it.