Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Obviously this is a little late, but better said than not. We miss you all and wish we could give you a big hug. :) As for the Aussie's, keep your eyes peeled for pictures of our house enjoying a WHITE CHRISTMAS! I was very excited this year 'cause last year when we came back to the US for 2 weeks over Christmas there was NO snow. Very sad. But yes this year is great: at least 6 inches of pure white bliss.

Well Christmas was crazy this year since it was our first year living in town and that means we're able to go to all 7 Christmas gatherings. And Alex was not napping. I think it was because of a new medication he was taking. I stopped giving it to him yesterday to test out my theory. Christmas was great - a little too hectic for me but great none the less. Brian outdid himself again with my present. He bought me a craft table with a nice office chair and mat to slide on. I'm so excited to finally set up my sewing machine & to organize my letter writing stuff. Brian got a new flash for his camera - it's fancy so I'll let him tell you about it. Alex's gifts of course far exceed ours but that's the way we like it. Plus it's not about gifts - we haven't had any material needs in many years.

I was talking to my sister and was reminded of how much we need to rely on God for our strength and support in every situation. Both of our families have been going through moving & chaos across many miles with children and it's so amazing to see her continue to push forward despite the current struggles. So hey big sis, we miss you all and hope California treats you better in the next few weeks.