Friday, May 11, 2007

Taking Over...and giving in

They have taken over! Maybe it's just one, but it seems like a whole gang of spiders has taken over the back yard. I was hoping to enjoy the nice weather after a couple days of it being cold & wet, but when I looked out the back door all I could see was spider webs glimmering in the sun. I walked through a lot as I tried to hang up the clothes on the line. I wiped away what I could see on the line but when I returned to hang up the next load there were new webs everywhere!! I was yearning to swing in the hammock with Alex but didn't dare for fear of poisonous spider attack (I'm sure it was harmless spiders but I hate feeling like I have spiderwebs all over me).

I'm learning to give in...I guess. Those of you who know me, know that I am somewhat of a neat freak. If I wasn't so cheap I would of course be an extreme organized neat freak, but I hate to spend money and it takes me months before I can decide if something is worth it. I'm dangerous in an office supply store. Anyways, since having Alex I've realized that I have to let go. I cringe every time I walk into the kitchen and the bathroom. Trust me they aren't bad but I notice every speck of dirt, every hair, every smell (not as much as when I was pregnant!) and just want to grab a vacuum, sponge or mop and go to work. But then I remember the crazy week of cleaning I did and how I crashed emotionally at the end of it due to lack of sleep. It was no good.

I do keep up on the laundry though :) That's mainly due to that I have a limited number of clothes that I can wear, Alex changes his clothes several times a day and he's in cloth diapers (nappies for the Aussies). Oh yeah and after having researched cloth nappies for months and bought pocket nappies I have recently gone for the old school system as well. I mean old school (well ok not the safety pins), not prefolds but flat nappies that you fold up yourself and put in the rubber pants. They are great for around the house. I love it! And I can't believe I got them at Target!

Ok, yes my post may not be super exciting, but it is what my mind is filled with since I live from one feeding to the next.


Anonymous said...

This is just the sort of fascinating mundanity of motherhood. I was wondering how the cloth diaper thing was working out. I keep putting off the change for Ellen. Lazy ol' me. Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, honey. You sound more rested.

Aaron comes home with Kathy today, for Nathan and Katie's wedding. We are looking forward to seeing them and getting to know Kathy.

Happy new Mother's Day.
We love you three.
... dad j