Monday, May 21, 2007

Great Things

First off, congrats to us for suggesting it and congrats to all the grand kids for creating the reason to accomplish this task. What is it? The Johnston's have become technologically advanced - they have a Flickr account! Since our family is now spread internationally and there are two new grand kids, we must share pictures and what is the easiest way but through the internet.

OK, anyways, Mother's Day was great and I completely forgot that I was going to be a mother on Mother's Day until Brian asked me a few days before what I wanted for Mother's Day. I got what I wanted: time with my hubby :) We did some things around the house and then after church we ordered some Chinese and just relaxed. I got a nice massage out of the whole deal too :)

Sorry, but even more exciting than Mother's Day was last Saturday when we celebrated our two year wedding anniversary. Our wonderful friend Helen watched Alex for 5 hours! Yes, that's right, five hours. If you don't already know, Brian and I love back rubs, we used to trade tham almost every other day when we lived in DC. So I booked us in for 1 1/2 hour face and body massages and then headed to dinner later in the evening. We went to Brian's favorite place, Good Life Modern Organic Pizza and then we picked up the little man. He did very well and was sleeping when we got there. Then he slept the whole night - while I on the other hand was up for about an hour because my stomach was kicking me for eating so much pizza! How ironic. I am awake and the kid is asleep.

People always say they feel horrible the first time they leave their kid with a sitter but Brian and I did not. I don't know if that means anything, but it was nice that we actually relaxed instead of fretting over what he was doing. Perhaps that was due to our trust in Helen and her amazing babysitting skills.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary, you guys.
Love, dad j