Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Life Will Never Be the Same Again

Obviously. We "knew" that before, but now it's very, very real. However, when the cause of such upheaval is this cute;

we really don't mind a whole lot. I think he just keeps getting cuter and more endearing, too. It doesn't help at 3AM when he is keeping you up and you want to hold a grudge against him. Grudges and any kind of long term exasperation are out of the question. God made babies with a double edged sword: a cry that you cannot ignore and a face that you cannot be angry with.

The photo above is from a roll of film I took of Alex last week. The best shots are now all up on Flickr if you would like to take a look!

Sarah, Alex and I are doing well. We're going into the hospital today so Sarah can have a D&C done. The OBGYN said yesterday that a piece of the placenta is still attached to the uteran lining, and needs to be removed. Please pray that all will go well, and that Alex won't get too hungry while Sarah is under anesthesia (I've got one feeding worth of breastmilk in a bottle).

Update: The operation was a success. Sarah will be taking it as easy as she can for the next few days. Thank you for your prayers!!!

Mom and Dad Johnston leave the States today to come to Australia! They will arrive here in Adelaide on Tuesday after a short stay up in Cairns.


Anonymous said...

Sarah, sorry you had to go through a D&C. I guess it was a nice nap for you, though. :-) Glad to hear it all went well. Thinking of ya'll.

Anonymous said...

Dear Brian, Sarah, and Alex,

Thanks you very much for updating your blog for me. I check the blog everyday, and love to see new pictures of Alex. He is so cute.



Anonymous said...

Yeah, the cuteness thing. Bugger, isn't it? I like the shot of Alex. It looks like he's making a speech. "Power to the babies!" Glad to hear the operation went well too. I was glad you added "in a bottle". We miss you two now three.

jhnstnrn said...

Hey guys,

Cute pictures. Sarah how are things with you? It was good talking to you the other day! I just worked 4 days this week as a sub while my students were out of school, so that was encouraging. It seems like the new "development" in my lif has been taking up a lot of time, but it has been enjoyable. Give Mom and Dad a kiss for me and pray for the next one coming to join the family tree from the Heis household.

jhnstnrn said...

Hey guys,
I have to leave one more comment. Brian I am really impressed with the pictures you have been taking! They have a great sense of style, lighting, and proportion. Keep it up bro. Sarah, Alex reminds me of you as a baby. He has very dark eyes and lots of black hair. He's super cute!