Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The Return of the Squirrel

I am sharing this story with you because Brian and I just can't help laughing when we imagine it happening.

My parents' archenemy has returned, the squirrel. He's not the same squirrel cause they took care of him last year and this one has proven to not be quite as crafty.

A little history. One day my mom came into the kitchen to find a squirrel sitting on her kitchen counter eating hamburger buns! The squirrel had managed to trespass by chewing a hole in the screen about her kitchen sink. The squirrel quickly exited by the same route when it saw my mother. It may have terrorized the house first - I know one time it did. So this fight between a certain squirrel (part of his tail was missing) and my parents continued for a few years. The last year the had bought the heaviest weight screen you could get and the squirrel managed to destroy it. A plan was made to 'take care' of the squirrel. After consuming an entire box of Decon the culprit was found dead near the yard. And they rejoiced!

A few days ago my father came home to find another squirrel on the kitchen counter eating hamburger buns! Yes he had chewed a hole through the same screen (trust me this was heavy duty stuff by now). Only this squirrel was not so bright and could not figure out how to get out. Somehow my father managed to trap him in the bathroom and finally give him a good hard wallop. The squirrel hissed and hid itself under the kitchen table in the nook. Afraid to go anywhere. Dad had to remove the screen completely and wait for the stupid animal to figure out he could exit via the same window. And he did.

Now my mother has pretty much put metal fencing on her window frame instead of a window screen. We'll have to see if the saga continues and if the burger buns may ever live on unmolested by these ravenous creatures.


Paul J said...

Not fair!!! This is our story!!!

Yes, he was determined but stupid squirrel. He sat in front of the hole in the screen and could not figure out what to do. It would have saved me a lot of time and energy if he had taken the hint early on and left as he came.

Andrew in AL said...

Oh, this is funny. My wife just gave me an odd look as I was laughing so hard at the line about the second squirrel sitting eating the hamburger buns. BTW, do your parents always keep hamburger buns around?!