Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I will try to make this quick since I should really be making our Christmas cards and Alex is bouncing in his crib (supposed to be napping).

We threw a low-key Christmas party Sunday night. We had around 18 couples/families. It was a ton of fun. The kids were running everywhere. We had a paper snowflake contest :) I was originally thinking gingerbread houses (I was going to make the gingerbread) but realized probably no one but me would think that was cool.

Brian's brother came home from Kuwait/Iraq on Friday and it has been wonderful to see him. Alex took a little bit to warm up but seems to enjoy playing with his uncle now.

Alex has been wanting to use the potty on and off for about a month now. Last weekend I tried to rush him to the potty after he had already started. He finished and we did the clapping, etc. Changed his diaper, put his pants & socks back on. I went back to looking at something online and he ran around for 20 minutes...until I noticed a strong poop smell. I looked down and there is Alex, feet up in the air, with poop all over his socks. I took a closer look and there is poop smashed on the bottom of his pant leg. I removed his pants a piece fell out. How did this happen I wonder?! I looked around only to realize there are little poop footprints all over the carpet. So I threw him in the tub and washed him off. Rinsed his clothes. Put new everything on. Then got him comfy in the basement with his only video - The Jungle Book - and spent the next 20 minutes searching the first floor for the remains. I probably cleaned 20 spots on the carpet, mopped the kitchen floor and cleaned the dining room floor by the time it was all done. I guess it was his way of motivating me to get the floors cleaned a little earlier than planned before the Christmas party. It also reminded me that once he's started there's no 'finishing' on the potty.


Anonymous said...

o my.

I am so sorry.

Also it made me laugh.



Anonymous said...

Ah, the joys of parenthood!

Anonymous said...

Okay - I really, REALLY didn't need to read that little narrative today! :)

Andy Smith