Monday, October 13, 2008

Is it just me...

...or does the the passage of time accelerate at an alarming rate?

I mean come on - how much faster can it go?

Moon Behind Clouds

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard one theory a long time ago - the older you get, a year becomes a smaller and smaller percentage of your life. So when you are, say 12, and a year is 1/12 of your life, it seems to go very slowly. But when you are pushing 30 *grin*, a year is 1/20 or so of you life. That's the math of it. But I think also of the passages in the Wisdom Lit., like James, that says your life is just a vapor that is here and then gone. Believe me - the older you get, the more you realize the truth of that passage.

Andy Smith