Monday, July 21, 2008

The CA Crew Shows Up

Sarah's sister Hannah, her Husband Jeremy and their two girls, Clara and Ruthie came to visit for a week recently. We haven't seen them since last fall, so it was great to be back together again for a few days.

Here's Alex showing off his slick reading skills in front of his cousins:

I Know I'm Cute

Actually, he usually does get books right side up, and he loves looking at them and being read to lately. His attention span can cover "Blueberries for Sal" now.

Alex laughs his head off with Grandpa Johnston:

Yucking It Up with Grandpa

Clara has such a wonderful smile. I'm glad she uses it so often:


Ruthie and Hannah search online for the perfect diaper bag design, or some other such elusive prize:

Hannah and Ruthie

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