Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Home Group

They call small groups/bible studies home groups over here. We went to one connected with Holy Trinity Anglican Church last night, and met some great people: Nandor, Tim, Mary, Helen, Verity, and another Mary. Nandor's wife Annie was working a 24 hour doctor's shift, so she wasn't there. They call dessert supper over here too. They said they would have supper after the study, and of course I just up and assumed that meant a meal, but instead it was a delicious cream pie cake thing. Very good, but much less filling than what I was hoping for, so I ate 4 fried eggs when we got back home. Anyway, they seem like very good people.

The guys were telling me that Trinity is one of about 4 evangelical/conservative Anglican churches in the area. They have a reputation for being rather fundamentalist, which is not very popular with the rest of the Anglican churches in the area, which are quite liberal. So it seems we stumbled upon one of the right ones. God is good, and he is providing for us in every way.

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