This is certainly bittersweet news for us. God has blessed us more than we ever could have imagined while we've been here. He's taught us a lot too, about priorities and parenthood and patience and giving and servanthood. We've conceived and born our first child here, we've become part of an incredible church family at Trinity and we've been able to work and socialize with a very tight and very good group of people at GCA. We have been able to live within 5 minutes of work and 10 minutes of church. The work itself has been interesting, challenging and satisfying, and hasn't required much overtime. The health system is good, the food is great, and the mountain biking is top notch. We've been able to afford to rent a cottage style house with a yard and a shed and little stained glass windows. It's become our home. We'll be leaving a lot of ourselves behind, and it's going to be one of the most painful things we've ever had to do.
But in going back we know that God will continue to provide for us. We will be closer to our families again. We'll once again be with the friends we left behind when we came to Australia. My parents will meet their grandson Alexander for the first time.
The hope that comforts me is the promise of another life when this one is gone, where those who know Christ will be with him forever, together. No more national boundaries or expensive flights, just pure, unadulterated joy everlasting.
So sorry you guys are going to have to let everything go! I hope the transition back is easier and kinder and than you ever imagined. We understand the tough parts of moving.
so sorry you guys have to uproot. and what rotten timing for us, too! Glad you will be closer to family, though.
relocating isn't easy, so i'll pray for you guys in the transition. i hope all goes smoothly. i don't think i've commented on your blog before but i've enjoyed reading it, by the way. ~sarah dv
Big changes. We appreciate your godly perspective and are praying for you! With loads of love, Mom & Dad C
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