We're trying to keep the future pretty wide open at the moment while we seek the counsel of the wise. There are an overwhelming amount of options when one does this. Hopefully the counsel of the wise helps to narrow things down a little bit. One possibility is Washington, DC and the same job I had before leaving for Australia, another is Chicago, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and an as yet unknown job, yet another is staying here and working for our church while going to Bible College of South Australia. We'd like to figure everything out as soon as we can, but it may take a few weeks to get things hammered down.
What we do know is that we're going to stay in Australia until the beginning of August (Lord willing). Our friend Calum is coming in two weeks to stay for a week, and after he leaves our friend Alec is coming to stay for a week. After that I think we'd like to head back to Grand Rapids, MI by way of New Zealand and Hawaii (we'll see) and spend some time with our families and friends before heading off to wherever our new home will be.

There are a lot more really cute shots of Alex up on
Flickr if you want to check them out.
1 comment:
if you stop by oahu i have a guest bedroom that you're more than welcome to use!
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