Friday, June 19, 2009

It's a girl, or so they say.

We had the ultrasound done last week and found out we are having a little girl! When they say it's a girl I have some doubts in the back of my mind since they can sometimes really be sneaky boys. Anyways, right after we got home from our appointment, my (Sarah) mom and I went shopping. We hit a great garage sale around the corner and loaded up on cute baby girls clothes. I got a stroller from another garage sale yesterday and a couple months ago got a bassinet from a garage sale. Can you tell I like garage sales? Who doesn't, they are marvelous! We're due on Halloween (boo).

We are pretty excited to be having a girl. I had visions of her and Alex playing in the mud looking for frogs in about 5 years :)

Summer seems to be flying by. We have had 5 weddings and a slew of baby showers already. Brian has been asked to use his photography skills to help in 3 weddings - 2 he was actually the main photographer. He's done a great job but I think he prefers to just take photos at his leisure. He's also been asked to display 3 photos in a cafe/ice cream shop in town. I guess they have an arrangement with the local flickr group to display people's photos.

My neighbor and I put in a very very small garden this year. We don't really know what we're doing but we thought we'd try. I also cleared a spot last weekend and Brian helped plant some raspberry plants, thanks to Gma and Gpa. So hopefully we'll have a plan for next Spring of simplifying our garden and have a real vegetable garden in come May '10. I just try to remind myself, that it's ok if I don't turn out to be good gardener. As my dairy farm owner says, if you can't farm support your farmer.

I did that today as I made my first trip to the farmer's market. I was a little disappointed but I know it's early and I think Saturday is a much bigger day. As much as I loved the Holland FM last year I'm not driving all that way again this year!

I'm also enjoying hanging the clothes on the line. Don't ask me why but I just love it. The humidity I could stand without while hanging clothes & being pregnant but I don't control the weather.

Well enough of my ramblings. I thought I'd give a little update.

1 comment:

Lora Lynn @ Vitafamiliae said...

HOORAY! We are so happy for you! And girls rock. Seriously, they're super fun. A whole different ballgame, but totally fun,