Sunday, March 22, 2009

Recent trends

As some of you may know, Alex chooses to speak in Alexeese and a bit of English. He has decided that English is not for him and therefore has forced his mother (me) to become bilingual. Of course this language would not be marketable on my resume or serve anyone else but there it is. One English word he likes is 'poop'. He recently has chosen to describe any food that looks suspicious as 'poop'. What he really means is yucky but thinks poop is a lot funnier. Recently we served Alex some chicken enchiladas which he quickly announced was poop! We tried to show him that it was good but he refused to take a bite until daddy put ketchup on it! Alex loves sauce and thanks to daddy just a little bit of special sauce led to Alex devouring his dinner.

Alex has taken to hording. Now I know for a fact he gets this from my side, traced back to my maternal grandmother. He hordes blankets, toys and anything else he finds interesting. He is attempting to be like his cousin Clara by hording as many items as he can in hopes of taking them to bed. Thankfully I put a stop to this early on. Although he has been successful at hording blankets. He usually has 5 blankets in his bed, although he never sleeps with a blanket over his body. He's unusually protective of blankets as well. Uncle Danny and I set-up a fort for Alex this week. I was expecting him to be excited (as you'll see why in the next section) but he was very concerned about the fact that 'his' blankets were all being used in this fashion. So he tore down the blankets and dragged them underneath his slide.

Alex has taken to hiding. He loves to hid underneath and inside furniture. He will spend a minimum of 10 minutes a day hiding somewhere. One favorite spot is on his rug underneath his crib with what else but a blanket and a book. His other common hiding place is inside the bench. It sits in our sunroom/mudroom and has sliding doors for the space underneath. He slides a door back, crawls in and lays down on some coats for a while. Usually talking on his cell phone. The first time I heard him inside there I was afraid he was stuck, but he can open the doors just fine from the inside as well. It's his favorite spot to call daddy from I guess or do some other business.

These are a just a few of the things he has recently done that I find rather humorous. Not to mention that it's nice to have a 10 minute break every once in a while while he goes and hides. I promise I check on him every few minutes but he usually refuses to come out.


Lora Lynn @ Vitafamiliae said...

i was so disappointed when my kids finally understood hide and seek because they used to think it was just "hide." 5 minutes of peace for mom...

jnrosema said...

that's awesome. i'm afraid Chris and I would laugh hysterically if we were around and he referred to his food as poop... hopefully he won't do it when you go to a new friend's house for dinner... :)