My brother Tom is home from Kuwait/Iraq for a couple weeks right now, and my uncle and aunt came to visit from Colorado. I love the rush of giddy conversation and exciting stories combined with pleasantly awkward silences that always result from such reunions. I'm looking forward to the big one.
Thomas has cultivated the growth of his mustache carefully for the past several months. It shows.
Run John, run.
Steve has carefully been cultivating his musical taste for the past couple years. It shows.
Suz, beautiful as per the usual. We like the stripes. Bold move.
My brother-in-law Aaron came from Chicago to grace us with his presence for a week. It was good to see him.
Alex sees fit to grace us with his presence pretty much every waking moment of his life. It's quite a privalege, I must say. Here he models his fancy seatbelt pads, custom manufactured by his grandmother using towels and duct tape to ease the discomfort on His Excellency's shoulders.
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