It certainly has been an exciting week. Alex has been teasing us with little spurts of surprise walking every now and again for the past month or so. I think about a week ago he realized the potential of this whole walking thing and started pursuing it in earnest. He is now running.
Here are a few endearing photos from the most recently captured bath.
In this one Alex is looking down the barrel of Joe's video camera. Joe spent a few evenings last week filming us for a short film he's creating for a school project. The purpose of the project is to portray an emotion, which, in Joe's film's case, is loneliness. Joe showed a rough edit of the film to his class. When it was finished no one spoke for a minute, until one young lady offered a profound insight: "That was sad as [heck]."
Alex has been affectionately dubbed "the Cute" by his uncle Steve.
And here is the Cute looking downright sinister as he brandishes his washcloth:
do you mean uncle steve?
jessie s.
Hey Jess, I did mean uncle Steve. Thanks for noticing. :)
So, is this film about YOUR loneliness??? And why was it sad??? I want to hear more about this video.
um... sorry that is my screen name that I use with my family.. this is really Mel Ridley
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