So my friend's website inspired me (Sarah) to finally put a post up!
Alex is crawling yo! He has been doing some mad army crawls for the last 3 weeks but this last week he started officially crawling :) The doctor said he's gonna be trouble (uh huh) and wouldn't be surprised if he was walking by 9 months. He's also begun the stage of stranger anxiety! So sad since, as most of you know, he was such a smiley & friendly baby. He still is but a lot of times just stares at people instead of constant smiles :(
What Alex has not been doing is sleeping on his own...but we're changing that. A little history. Alex always demanded to be wrapped to go sleep - even after he started rolling. Like an idiot I continued to wrap him instead of trying to teach him to sleep on his own. When we decided to visit friends in DC, which was when he turned 6 months, he became too mobile to be wrapped. Thus came the end of naps and sleep as we knew it. So here we are in a hotel, with a very rude lady next door, trying everything we can to get Alex to sleep. We struggled until last Thursday when we had enough of him waking up 5 times a night and not napping and decided we would sleep train him. Thanks to Brian's strength we conquered the night time pretty well. The task now falls on me for naps which I had geared myself up for today. I put Alex down, expecting a long fight, but after 5 minutes of silence I peeked my head in to see him sleeping like a what? A baby! No way! I know I know it's just one nap but it does start my day out brilliantly.
So...enough about Cutes. I can't wait to move into our house. I can't believe we are going to have one but I am so excited to have a backyard and not have to balance Alex & groceries up stairs! I'm excited to see how horrible I am at decorating. But I am up for the challenge now that I have a sewing machine and a few relatives that are pros at this sort of thing.
We miss all of our friends in Adelaide and DC. Our visit to DC made me want to move back there 'cause all our friends are having fun & having babies :) Everyone asks us about Australia and I would like all you Aussie's to know that we give high praise and can't stop raving about Holy Trinity. I well up with tears every time I think about you all!
1 comment:
you are so in for it with that little man. crawling so early! and stick to your guns on the napping thing. he'll give it up eventually. you'll make a great homey little home. it will be yours and coop's and that's what matters.
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