I think this one is the cutest yet. I gave him a bath last night, and he was just going nuts afterwards. Being a father is pretty much the best thing ever, equal with being a husband, and just below being a son of God. I suppose having such an incredible father in God and such an amazing wife in Sarah make being a father the superlative thing that it is.
We took some family portraits out back yesterday. I put about 20 of them up on Flickr, but here's a couple just in case you're too lazy or not interested enough to head over there. Notice the sweater vest, which has been brought back into the world of style by none other than my friend Joe Stratton. Also notice the gorgeous young lady and handsome young lad.
We love the new video! Alex is talking up a storm.
Dad C
I agree. This is a very cute clip. Your family photos are also very good. Keep up the good work.
I hope to have our Skype link up any day now. Then we can see you all in virtual person!
Love, Dad J
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