If you wish to see other pictures of this legendary child, you should visit our page of freedom on the internet site Flickr.

Sarah has her six week checkup today. She feels pretty good, except for the exhaustion and the feeling that she has no idea what she is doing. : )
I am doing well as well. I am back at work full time again. It was absolutely wonderful to have so much time to be with Sarah and Alex for the beginning of his life. I am grateful to have had the chance to get to know my son well early on. I am extremely excited about the next few years, and of course the years after those too, but you know what I mean.
We miss all of you back in the States something terrible, and are looking forward to the time when we'll see you again!
Very profound stuff indeed. We miss you, too!
we miss you, too. sarah, give me a call/email sometime. since our Girl Wonder is so close in age to your Boy o'Destiny, we should swap tales. thinking of ya'll lots!
Brian, you are a poet! I am glad you two are doing better. As usual, Alex is looking EXTREMELY cute and intelligent. Makes me want to hold him again.
Hannah is still in one piece and anxious to give birth. Mom will see her soon. I will be going this weekend. I LOVE GRANDKIDS!!!
Later... Dad J
Tomorrow is the doctor appointed day for Hannah to be induced.
Love...dad j
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