Verity took this wonderful shot of Sarah and I at the Broman's house on Sunday. Sarah seems to be letting out a little steam.

This cute kid stole one of the croquet balls! He did give it back very nicely when asked though.

My dream car, once again.

This is part of the large and fabulous stained glass window at church.

I wiped out while mountain biking on Saturday and scraped up my leg pretty good. It's healing well.

This is a
lorikeet. They have been eating the grapes we were too lazy to pick. Usually there are about a dozen of them out on the vine gobbling away. When we walk out into the backyard they all start screeching in a most unseemly manner and fly off in a huff.

This is the "tree" in front of our house by the road. The city planted it and waters it regularly. It produced a total of three leaves this year. They are all gone now. I am not really sure if it is dead or alive. What I am sure of is that it is pitiful.

Due to the drought going on I have been letting the grass grow as it will, since it survives the dryness better that way. It does make for an untidy looking establishment though.

This is a frangipani. They are nice.

This is a sunset. It was nice. I wish you all could have been there.

This is Sarah. Although she looks a little funny through the fisheye lens, I assure you that she is very nice too.

Here're my friends from work mountain biking. Not at the moment I took the photo, but before and after. You know how it goes.
1 comment:
Thanks for the nice pictures. Are you sure the child with the croquet ball is a boy? Strange that he would have his fingernails painted pink.
Love, Dad C
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