I'm taking a correspondence course with a Bible college in Syndey, so I've been reading and studying a lot. Sarah has been quite an avid reader too. Last Sunday evening I was the service leader at church. I was basically the introducer, transitioner, explainer and announcer. I was pretty nervous, but it went quite well. The service was focussed on evangelistic prayer, so I shared some of my own experience with that. I'm glad it's over, but I'd like to do it again sometime.
Being the driest state in the driest country on earth, we don't get too many clouds around here. So last night I was pleasantly surprised to see layer upon layer of them up there in the sky. I climbed up on top of our grapevine trellis and took some pictures.

I've see a lot of pictures like this online lately, so I took some of my own. A late Happy Valentine's day to you all.

The neighbor's roof across the street.

I love my family.
In your latest flickr photos, I noticed that, in "Looking Down on the Trash," your fly is open. Better zip it up.
Yeah, I know. I went to the bathroom just before I left the house, and forgot to shut the barn door. Sorry!
Nice card.
We love the three of you!
Dad J
Glad you had the opportunity to lead at your church.
Send me your notes on evangelist prayer. They could help us at FHBC.
Thanks...dad j
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