I climbed up a tree and took some photos of the fantastical cloud formations that have been prevalent lately!!! It was super exciting!!!

Sarah had her baby shower on the 17th, which she tells me was wonderful. Big thanks to Megan and Carol for putting it on!!! While the ladies were busy with their crafty party Joe and I took Morris' Jeep Wrangler and found some fire roads up in the hills to explore. It was very sweet. We also did some wine tasting at the same place my parents and Sarah went to a while back. Good stuff.

Sometimes I see my dream car parked across the street. So nice.

On Saturday I went for a mountain bike ride with three of my coworkers. We started at 7 AM and had the whole mountain bike park to ourselves. It was a beautiful morning.
Later that day Sarah and I took the Forester out on the same fire roads Joe and I took the Jeep out on the previous weekend. It performed well, I was very impressed. Sarah was impressed too, she didn't think it would be able to do some of the things it did.
I took my exam for the Old Testament 1 course I've been studying for the past couple months on Sunday. I think I did pretty well. I knew the material well enough, I'm pretty sure about that, but I just didn't have time to write enough to get perfect marks. I am an engineer, and am not used to essay exams. I solve problems, derive equations, and write succinct and concise technical reports. The total suggested page count was 8, and I got 7.5, so I think I'll be all right. My hand sure hurt afterwards though.
The weather has cooled down over here, and we are very grateful for that. I'm sure it will get hot again, but the relief, however brief, has been delightful.