We spent the morning hanging out with our hosts and their three delightful children. They took us to a tremendously large and fabulous thrift store called Unique, where I was finally able to find a pair of overalls that fit me. We then went to Five Guys for burgers and fries. The burgers there are a wonder to consume. After some more hanging out and a delicious pasta dinner we went to a surprise birthday party for our friend Mike, where we were able to see him and a whole bunch of other friends from the area. It was very nice.
That night we only slept about three hours before flying out for Grand Rapids at 6:30 am. We went to bed at 11 pm but our bodies woke up some time after 2 am and would not go back to sleep.
The flight to Grand Rapids was fairly uneventful, but involved a long layover in Detroit Metro airport.
This is our friends' youngest:

Sarah and Jatana: