On Saturday I raced in the 12 Hour Mountain Bike Race in Mt. Torrens. I was on a relay team with three friends from work: Joe, Danny and Darren. There were three different basic team types: solo, duo and quad. This means that on my team each of us raced for about a quarter of the time. The solo riders raced for 12 hours straight. Incredible. The race started at 9 am and ended at 9 pm. Each of us raced about four laps. Joe and I did an average of about 45 minutes per lap, Danny did about 40 minutes and better, and Darren was down near 30 minutes. Obviously I'm not at the top of the game, but I had a lot of fun.
The course was tough. It started out going uphill on a fire road, and then transitioned into a steep climb up a single track switchback. At the top the trail got real rocky and followed the ridgeline for a ways, then went down the other side of the mountain, and then came back up it on a very rocky and technical switchback. After a few more ups and downs the trail descended to a long run out and back in a hay field. The last bit took you through a pine forest and then back to the fire road and on to the finish line. The whole thing was about 8.5 k (5.3 mi).
On my first lap I got a flat soon after reaching the ridgeline and had to push my bike back down the mountain. Danny took a lap while Joe replaced my tube. Once Danny got back I did the next lap. I felt like I never wanted to do it again, and wondered what I had gotten myself into. However, after the other three guys had completed their laps I felt ready to do another one. I did and felt all right afterwards. My last lap actually ended up being my best time. I pushed myself a little further and ended up taking a superman style spill over the handlebars on a downhill section of the track. I was beat up enough that I had actually gotten blood on the bike (from my knee, hip or elbow, I don't know which) and had to stretch a huge cramp out of my calf. Once I got back on the bike I had an adreneline rush going on, so despite the time lost by crashing I was able to finish the lap in less time than any of my other runs. Sarah came to watch and got to witness that lap.
After the race we camped out. Good times.
Here I am.

Sarah spectating like a professional.

Jason looking like a legendary figure.

They had a face painter there, and this was some of her finest work.

Joe on the left and Danny on the right. Danny had just finished a lap and was tagging Joe in to do the next one.

Here's Darren coming in after the last lap of the race.

Joe doing some quick mainenance.

Danny and Darren before the race.

It was a windy day.

The big start.